Wednesday, September 18, 2019

SLO & PPG Support

Our goal is to help members of the teaching staff with the Educator Effectiveness process so that our staff can set and reach impactful goals and successfully complete the requirements of DPI's evaluation system through the My Learning Plan platform. We have created a goal-setting guidebook at this link for all teachers and educational specialists.

The guidebook provides tips, how-to's, templates, and other guidance for staff as they complete the goal-setting activities in My Learning Plan. Some sections of the guidebook provide quick "rules of thumb" for educators who are already very comfortable with the SLO and PPG process. The guidebook also includes detailed explanations and examples to help educators who are less comfortable with the process. The guidebook is very thorough so educators can find the answers they need-when they need them.

There is drop-in SLO support for teachers in their first and second year in the district on October 9 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. in the ESC board room.