Thursday, September 19, 2019

Literacy Model Initial Survey for Grades K-8

K-8 teaching staff, please take 10-15 minutes to complete the ESAIL assessment, linked HERE, by Friday, October 4. The information that is collected will support our work as a system to be more responsive to the needs of all while working to develop continuity.

The Environmental Scale For Assessing Implementation Levels or ESAIL is a survey that is embedded into the PCL implementation process . The ESAIL provides information about our system's literacy environment, as well as specific literacy behaviors and evidence-based practices.

The ESAIL is aligned to the 10 Key Features of the PCL Model: 
  • Framework for Literacy
  • Model Classrooms 
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Technology
  • Literacy Plan
  • Professional Learning Communities
  • System Interventions
  • High Standards
  • Spotlighting
  • Comprehensive Assessment Model 
We greatly appreciate your time and reflection in completing this survey. We will be able to look at the results by grade level and by building, which will aid us in providing differentiated professional development opportunities.