Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Human Resources Update

Superintendent Don Kirkegaard and HR Director Lenny Hanson visited each school last week to share some updates prior to the start of the school year. In case you missed that, these are three important pieces of information that were shared:
  1. Starting this year, the first personal day used by employees will not require the employee to pay for the cost of a substitute. If an employee takes a second personal day during the year, then the sub pay cost will be collected as in the past.
  2. We want to avoid causing an inconvenience for staff going on vacations in June. Last year, the large number of snow days forced us to extend the teacher work calendar an extra day in June.  This conflicted with some staff member vacations that had already been booked. This year, the last staff workday is June 8. Therefore, we ask that employees not plan to take vacation on June 9 or 10 in case we have a similar situation. Thank you!