Thursday, February 6, 2020

Teacher Equity

For a long time, the West Bend School District has received inquiries from a number of staff members at all levels about workload equity across the system. These questions have touched on topics such as:
  • Teacher instructional time comparison between levels (i.e. elementary vs. intermediate/middle school vs. high school, etc.)
  • Equity in the number of sections to be taught at each level and within each building
  • Accurately comparing levels that teach a number of sections (secondary) vs levels that do not measure workload in sections (PreK - 4th grade)
  • Impact that special education involvement plays in workload from level to level
  • Evening commitments by teachers at different buildings and levels in the system (conferences, concerts, open houses, etc.)
The district is committed to creating as equitable of a work environment as possible for its employees.  Therefore, we have begun studying these issues so that we can provide the correct type of equity in employee experience. Click here to read a more detailed communication about this work and our commitment to ensuring an equitable experience for our teachers across the system.