Thursday, February 20, 2020

Support Staff Evaluations & Multi-Raters

This year all support staff members have moved from Halogen to My Learning Plan for their evaluation process, putting all staff in the district on the same system. The district discontinued use of Halogen for a variety of reasons (overly-complicated, costly, etc.)

As in the past, multi-raters will be used to support the development of accurate and comprehensive evaluations for some employees. The multi-rater process allows administrators to collect feedback from a variety of teachers who work with an employee. Administrators then merge that input with their own observations of the staff member to create a well-rounded summative evaluation that provides growth-minded feedback for support staff members. Multi-raters are not used for all support staff employees. However, some employee groups such as special education aides work very closely with teachers and the feedback provided by teachers for those employees has proven to be very beneficial in developing high-quality evaluations for aides that help those employees continue to grow.

A few things to know about this year's multi-rater process:
  1. The names of multi-rater will continue to be confidential and unknown to the support staff member.
  2. Multi-raters will be completed using a Google Form this year. The site administrator will send that information out to the appropriate multi-raters soon.
  3. Multi-raters are asked to provide their feedback on the selected support staff employees by the end of March.
  4. Ten-month support staff employees (school year employees like aides, etc.) will receive their summative evaluation as part of a meeting with their administrator prior to the last day of school.
  5. Twelve-month support staff employees will receive their summative evaluation as part of a meeting with their administrator by June 12. 
Please see your site administrator if you have questions about the support staff evaluation process.