Thursday, October 3, 2019

Pharmacy Update

At the August Board meeting, it was shared that our contract with Express Scripts, the district’s pharmaceutical carrier, was up for renewal. To ensure that our employees and the district are getting the best possible value, we have taken bids from other pharmacy carriers for our business. This year the market for pharmacy carriers is highly competitive, which is good news for you! The competitive options presented will help us to keep insurance rate increases low for employees while many of our neighboring districts are experiencing substantial increases.

As we have embarked on the process of investigating our pharmacy options, there were a number of non-negotiables we have maintained. They include:
  • The tiered system of employee drug costs ($10/ $30/$45) will not change
  • Employees must have continued access to all of the same level of care and drug options
  • Our employees should have access to the best and most complete information about drug costs and the variety of drug options available to them for various situations so they can make informed decisions
  • Employees must enjoy the same easy and quick access to medication that they have enjoyed in the past
We expect to announce a final decision on our pharmacy carrier for 2020 in the next few weeks.