Thursday, October 17, 2019

Meaningful Conversations about STAR Results


The STAR assessment is a valid and reliable assessment that provides screening and growth information when determining how to meet the needs of all students. One of our goals with implementation was to ensure the staff feels comfortable to engage in meaningful conversations about the information provided. Now that STAR scores have been announced and posted in Family Access, we want teachers to feel prepared to have meaningful conversations. Parent-Teacher conferences are also scheduled and the information below may be helpful.
In conversations with other educators, individuals or teams might focus on grouping students will similar skills to effectively meet the students’ needs. In doing so with student scale scores, it is recommended that the range of the scale scores is not larger than 100. Narrowing the range of scale scores for a small group of students will help ensure the targeted skills identified are truly aligned to the students' needs.
In conversations with parents, educators might start the conversation with how the student performed based on the national percentiles. In talking about percentiles, it would be ideal to share with the parents/guardians how the child’s performance compares to our district benchmarks. It is important to use triangulated student information, so sharing additional work samples and observations would be helpful.