Wednesday, July 22, 2020

WBSD Staff Update for 2020-2021 School Year

West Bend Team,

Thank you for your collaboration on options for our return to school in fall. Our priority continues to be a return that focuses on the health of our students, staff, families, and communities. To help us plan for our staff in particular, please use this process to let us know about your individual needs as you think about a return to school (information repeated below as a separate item). The initial process is for all staff to communicate needs and as a second step certified staff can express interest in becoming a virtual instructor. We will continue to communicate throughout our planning process.

Jen Wimmer

Planning For Return to School
Last week a group of 40+ educators from around the district met to discuss the return to school. The agenda, attendees, and link to the feedback document can be found here and is open to all to add. The Google slides used to facilitate the conversation can be found here. (The eleven reference refers to the fact that it was my 11th day of work...or Spinal Tap...or Stranger Things...depends on your frame of reference). During our discussion, I discussed the “culture of commitment” that school staff often display… we often show up even if we aren’t feeling well because we are committed to supporting our students. We are working on additional communication that provides clarity for staff regarding student, personal, or family member illness.

*Note the Washington County Daily News today wrote that we are having a presentation to the board on August 3; we aren’t quite sure where they got their information. We intend to have a community presentation to share draft plans so families can provide another round of feedback, but the specific time/date has not been determined. We hope to send the presentation to staff to provide feedback prior to the community meeting.

We are working in teams to plan (also outlined in the presentation linked above):

District Leadership
  • Includes leaders from each department (including nursing)
  • Each department leader has an external network that is working with regional and state colleagues and in some cases the national and global level
  • A general sense of the work and timeline can be found in the presentation slides linked above
  • Each principal met with the superintendent to get a general sense of the level of planning needed at the school level

School Leadership
  • Many elements of planning will be unique to each site; therefore, we ask that each principal convene a school level leadership team to support planning efforts
  • All staff at each site should receive an opportunity to provide feedback to the school level leadership team
  • Draft plans will be shared with district leadership for review and approval

Families have been provided with an initial survey to support our planning efforts, the district will make sure data is sent to sites as soon as the survey is closed
  • phone and email message went out yesterday (late afternoon) to have families begin online enrollment verification and provide feedback regarding instruction, breakfast/lunch, busing, and health protocols for use in schools
  • Surveys look like this (personalized for each early learning option or K-12 as shown)
  • note that most districts that surveyed earlier are relaunching new surveys as families have shifted their opinions and the spread of infection has changed (and continues to change) 
  • The district will provide a plan with more detail to families for their feedback prior to finalization (despite all of our collective efforts, I am sure they will think of a few scenarios or details for us to add or that can help us to know where we need to add clarity)
  • Families will complete a second step of information verification and program selection in August (this is to cover things not included in the request this week)

We are interested in engaging our students, specifically at the high schools, to understand their thoughts and provide feedback (we will keep you posted on those efforts).

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
We are committed to providing staff with PPE for their specific roles. The state has coordinated delivery of 12,500 reusable masks for our district. Staff may also utilize masks that follow CDC recommendations. We will have smaller supplies of single use masks on hand for use as needed. In some cases, the students you work with or your role may require alternate or additional PPE. If it is related to a student need, please contact case manager and then department leaders. If it is related to a job duty (such as nurses), please contact your department leader. Do not place orders directly from the site level - we want to leverage bulk or shared purchases across districts when we are able.

We have not made a decision regarding mandating mask use for students or staff. We will continue to work with public health and district nursing staff to make formal decisions. It may be that masks are required at certain times or in certain areas (i.e. on the bus). Again, no formal decision has been made. *As a courtesy to others in the ESC building, staff use masks when out of their immediate work area.

WBSD Will Pay For Aides to Get Their Substitute License
Are you an aide in the district with an Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree or higher? Then you can be licensed as a substitute teacher. When aides serve as a substitute teacher for a day, they can receive more work hours, a higher pay rate for that day, or both. For this coming school year, the district will reimburse the full cost for any current aide to get licensed as a substitute teacher. Check out the top half of this flyer to read more about this opportunity.

WBSD Will Pay For General Aides to Obtain Special Education Aide License
The district pays an extra $1.00 above your current pay rate for general aides (supervisory, clerical, classroom, library, etc.) who substitute as a special education aide. This year, the district will reimburse the full cost for any current general aide to get licensed as a substitute special education aide. Check out the bottom half of this flyer to read more about this opportunity.

Staffing Preparation (information linked in introduction)
The West Bend School District is planning a multi-option education plan for students this fall. Families will select an education model for their children from three options (in-person, virtual, or a hybrid of those two models). This week WBSD families are being asked to select their preliminary preference from these three options (they do have the option to change their preference). Based on the enrollment data obtained from that selection process, we will then work to align the skills of our highly talented instructional staff to the preferences of our students and families.

The purpose of this communication is to help us in developing that staffing plan and for you to share your personal preferences and other information that can aid us in creating that plan.

FOR ALL STAFF: FMLA and Other Medical Concerns
We care deeply about the safety of our employees and their families. We want to ensure that every employee is able to take full advantage of any rights afforded to them by the FMLA laws and the Coronavirus-related legislation passed earlier this year that expanded medical leave rights for employees. We also want to support each employee in any way we can if they or a member of their family is within the COVID-19 at-risk groups.

To provide this support, it is essential that we have all the necessary information required for us to provide FMLA protections to employees. Please review the following options and complete any and all of the linked forms as needed within the next week.
  • Complete this form if you believe you may be eligible for FMLA protections during the pandemic because of a medical condition you have
  • Complete this form if you believe you may be eligible for FMLA protections during the pandemic because of a medical condition of someone you provide care for 

FOR CERTIFIED STAFF: Teaching Format Preferences
(This section applies to all certified staff including teachers, speech pathologists, counselors, psychologists, interventionists, instructional coaches, literacy specialists and coordinators.)

We want to align the talents of our teaching staff to the educational format that makes best use of their skills this school year. However, we also do not yet know how many families will choose in-person, virtual, or the hybrid model of education for their children for 20-21. Obviously, we have to develop a staffing plan that meets the needs of our families.

The Teaching and Learning Department has developed a short job description of what is needed for someone to teach in an online format. You can view that description at this link. To help us prepare to staff these three different instructional delivery models, we need input from you regarding any preferences you may have for this fall. Please use the Google form at this link to communicate if you are interested in teaching in an online setting this fall. If your first preference is to teach in person, you do not need to complete the form.

Please know that filling out this form only communicates your preference to teach in a virtual format and does not guarantee you will be given that teaching assignment. Decisions about how to staff our programs will be made based upon student enrollment and aligning the qualifications and skills of our staff to the format that makes the greatest use of their talents.

How Can We Help?
As previously communicated, we are working with principals to help staff remove non-essential items from the classroom and schools (detail below). As we prepare for the first day of school, there are many things in the schools that will look completely different from what you are used to. Please realize that the actions that are being taken right now in the schools are for the safety of you and the students. As the local and national guidelines for reopening continue to evolve, we will do our utmost to keep you informed and updated. Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

The custodial staff will be available to assist you with anything you might need for the start of school. Please use the work order system so that we can better assist you.

Important Dates
Friday, August 7, 2020
  • Due to the need to quickly and efficiently disinfect a room, please have all personal furniture items out of any room in a school building by Friday, August 7
  • Remember the custodial staff will be waxing floors during this time so please watch for “Wet Wax” signs as you move around the building
  • If there are items you no longer want, please tag them and let the facilities department know and we will dispose of them (see process for work orders above)
  • Personal furniture items left in the building after August 7 will be disposed of
  • Additionally, extra cleaning and sanitation will take place during the course of the school day throughout the common areas or the building
Monday, August 8-Friday, August 21, 2020
  • The custodial department will be removing excess furniture from the building and classrooms and setting up desks/tables to social distance as much as possible

Monday, August 24, 2020
  • The custodial staff will be available to assist you with anything you might need for the start of school

What You Can Expect Your Room to Look Like
We still want rooms to be as inviting as possible during this time. Imagine you had to clean every individual item present in your room to help you make decisions.
  • Continue to hang displays and student work on your walls and bulletin boards keeping in mind fire code restrictions on coverage
  • Enough seating will be provided to accommodate the maximum number of students that will be in a space at any given time 
  • Every effort will be made to distance students as far from each other as possible (six or three feet)
  • Classrooms that are equipped with tables that accommodate far more than one student will be provided with a 24” x 24” freestanding plexiglass divider so the table can hold two students maximum
  • All desks will be facing the same direction as much as is practical
  • Excess district furniture in classrooms will be removed and stored 
  • All carpets and rugs will be removed from classrooms and stored 
  •  Rugs that do not have the appropriate fire rating will be discarded
  • We understand that a carpet can be used as a teaching tool and encourage you to work with your principal to identify alternatives such as individual vinyl dots that students could use in a variety of settings and can be disinfected easily
  • All plush toys, bean bag chairs, cloth upholstered seating, and curtains need to be removed from the classroom
  • All classrooms will be limited to one trash and one recycling container 
  • Students should not share items (plan for materials use accordingly)
  • Students need to receive instruction within the classroom, they cannot work in group in halls, etc.
  • Teacher desks will remain in the classroom; however, teaching materials that are not needed at the beginning of the year will be stored out of the classroom until they are needed. The location is to be determined
Classroom Cleaning and Disinfection Supplies
Every classroom will be issued:
  • Spray bottle of hospital-grade disinfectant
  • Package of disposable wipes
  • Safety glasses
  • Box of disposable gloves
Please keep the disinfectant out of reach of children per the manufacturers label and safety directions. If you run out of these materials, let your custodian know and the items will be replenished. Additional information will be forthcoming regarding proper use of the disinfectant.

At times, you may be asked to disinfect or clean materials. For example, if you have a small group receiving instruction at a separate table - you will want to disinfect/clean after use and prior to others touching the area. Another example would be shared equipment - think items we don’t buy for individual students, like a drill press - this must be cleaned/sanitized in between use.

Changing the Way Your Building is Cleaned
Traditionally, your classroom has been cleaned to make it look as attractive as possible. This year, with the extra attention on health, your room will be cleaned for cleanliness rather than appearance. This means that your floors might not be as shiny as you’re used to. The emphasis will be on cleaning surfaces and touch-points such as desks, door handles, light switches, telephones, faucets, etc. Additionally, extra cleaning and sanitation will take place during the course of the school day throughout the building. As schools design instructional plans, principals will work with their school custodial team to determine where/when common areas should be cleaned and sanitized throughout the day.

We are working to provide a variety of instructional opportunities for not only our families, but also our staff as we plan for the fall.

Face to Face Instruction
What it is:
  • In person instruction at our school sites
  • Proactive health protocols such (i.e. physical and social distancing, mask use, etc.) will be used as needed
  • Increased cleaning and sanitizing practices will be in place
  • Schedule design may look different from years past to minimize contacts
  • If students or staff members should be unable to attend in person (for example, due to quarantine or if a classroom or school should need to close), we will provide options to access instruction virtually (i.e. through recording of in-person lessons or Canvas coursework)
What it is not:
  • What we are used to... it will look and feel different

Virtual Academy (also referred to as Virtual Learning)
What it is:
  • A full-time West Bend Virtual Academy program will be offered in partnership with the Edmentum learning platform
  • A parallel curriculum to WBSD classes/courses
  • Available to all and a good fit for some
  • An expansion of the 7-12 program already in place
What it is not:
  • Outsourcing district jobs - if there is enough enrollment interest, we can train and assign our staff for virtual instruction (see the process for making this request under the HR section) 
  • Easier than face to face classes
  • An option developed in response to the pandemic (we started virtual opportunities in 2011 and this is a natural extension)
  • Our plan for instruction during a classroom or school closure

Hybrid Option Though the Virtual Academy
What it is:
  • An option to take one or more classes through the West Bend Virtual Academy, while maintaining face to face or home schooled enrollment
What it is not:
  • Outsourcing district jobs
  • Our plan for instruction during a classroom or school closure

What Will the Staff First-Day of the Year Look Like?
We do not want to gather in a large group (district or site), yet we do want to create opportunities for school teams to collaborate and work on the things you need to be ready for in-person instruction or the potential for virtual instruction over the upcoming year.

As we prepare to welcome students in our schools, we are also taking strategic steps to ensure the professional time during the Welcome Back Week supports our start to the 2020-21 school year. With that said, we have the following updates for you:
  • Starting Monday, August 24, teaching/certified staff will report to their assigned buildings for each professional day
  • During each day there will be opportunities that are asynchronous and synchronous
This is subject to change; however, we wanted you to know that we were adjusting so we can meet your need for time to plan.

Summer Program Update
Using a virtual format, our Summer School Program has been very successful. Students in grades 8-12 have already completed their summer school classes. In fact, we are proud to share that over 350 grades have been earned! Our elementary and middle school students continue to attend classes virtually with the last day being July 31. Thank you so much to all the summer school teachers for their dedication and creative thinking!

Unfortunately, we must cancel the Summer School Camps and Jump Start events originally scheduled for August. We will notify families of enrolled students immediately. All efforts are being focused on a successful re-entry plan for fall.

Devices for K-12
All students will be 1:1 with Chromebooks in grades K-12 for the upcoming school year. The devices will be handed out to students through a mass handout process located at the high schools building prior to the start of the year.

The Technology Department continues to work with providers to find multiple avenues for families to gain internet access to support instruction.

Document Cameras
The district is procuring all new document cameras for teachers that will allow staff to use them as a secondary web camera for Google Meets, ability to record videos from the document camera to their computer, and provide staff members the ability to take home the document camera if needed based upon the instructional model.

Cleaning of Technology Equipment
Protocols for cleaning of shared technology equipment are currently being developed and will be shared before the start of the school year.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Recognizing Retirees & 25-Year Employees in Video

As you know, we were unable to hold the annual Employee Recognition Dinner in May due to COVID-19. We had many staff members take the time to submit video clips in recognition of our retirees and 25-year veteran staff members. Normally these would be shown at the annual dinner and we did not want the pandemic to stop us from celebrating our colleagues! You are invited to check out the recognition videos at these links:

Celebrating Employee Milestones

Join us in recognizing these WBSD employees for their years of service to our students, staff, and families.

Celebrating five years in the district: Ronald Hedrick-West High School and Jonathan Huehner- High School Maintenance.

Celebrating 15 years in the district: Karen Zainer-Technology Department and Pam Jung-School Nutrition

Transforming Educational Delivery

From March 16, 2020 until the end of the school year all district staff worked to transform the education of our students and our communication with families and the community. Whether handing out Chromebooks, meals, library books, Internet hotspots, cleaning our facilities, or collecting/distributing belongings, staff worked in unexpected ways. Turning face-to-face education into emergency distance learning was truly a collaborative effort. Teachers and support staff worked tirelessly to reach every student. On behalf of the Curriculum and Instruction Department: thank you! The work you did in these  circumstances was outstanding. We will come back in fall and be prepared to provide an education for our students that meets our vision of Excellence For All regardless of the format.

FOR ALL TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS: Feedback Critical for Fall Planning
A portion of the day on June 5 was spent in grade level, department, and site-based teams sharing lessons learned and providing feedback on the distance learning experience to the district. I have had the opportunity to hear some of the feedback, details on the conversations that were held, and more on some of the themes. Thank you for really taking the time to discuss and share. The results of this collaboration are going to be discussed in depth with the district leadership team at our June meeting. If the preview that I have received on the work done on June 5 is any indication, the impact on the district moving forward will be profound.

Laura Jackson
Assistant Superintendent

Free/Reduced Meal Program & Title 1 Grant Funding

The school district has started an awareness campaign of the free and reduced meal program to help more families who may need assistance and to possibly gain additional Title 1 grant funds for the schools.

As you may know, the number of families accessing the free meals for students from our school nutrition department during the school closure increased each week. More than 1,000 bags of food were distributed in one week in May.

We feel there is a need in the community for the assistance the free and reduced program can provide. In addition, if more families are aware of this assistance they may be eligible for and then may receive, our schools will be eligible for additional Title 1 funding.

Please contact me if you have any questions at

Updates on Technology Support, Etc.

As you know, summer school will be virtual and a number of students have already requested district-owned Chromebooks to take part. The Technology Department has distributed some of the Chromebooks and will distribute them to elementary grades later in June. They will continue to provide technical support to all students enrolled in summer school.

In addition, the school district will have a Chromebook ratio of 1:1 for grades 2-12 in the fall. The administration continues to plan supports for our students no matter the educational environment we may see in the 2020-2021 school year.

We are also planning on additional supports for students as they transition into new environments (i.e. grades levels and educational environments) so they are better able to navigate our digital tools for the best possible experience and success.

Assessment Update Part One

FOR HS Teaching Staff 
As you all know, our Spring State Assessments were cancelled. With this cancellation, some juniors did not get an opportunity to complete the ACT assessment. As a result, those students who have not completed the assessment have been offered a voucher so they can complete it free of charge. If there are any questions, please contact Tyler Wood at or Michelle Marschel at

Assessment Update Part Two

Fall 2020
Given the school closure at the end of the 19-20 school year, our assessment plan for next year will look a bit different. Once we know more information about what fall will look like, we will develop our district wide assessment calendar. Based on the instructional format and needs of the student, our typical assessments may be adjusted to meet the needs of all students. They will also be mindful of how staff uses any and all assessment along with classroom information to design instruction to best meet the needs of students.

Progress Monitoring
One area of assessment that will be impacted is progress monitoring for students in intervention or special education. As planned, math interventionists continue with their use of FASTBridge. The implementation plan has been revised to have literacy interventionists trained and implementing FASTBridge for the 20-21 school year. Given the impact of the school closure with IEPs and re-evaluation, the special education team will be trained in FASTBridge at a later date with implementation planned for fall 21-22.

Assessment Web-page

This summer an assessment web-page will be developed. This page, as part of the Curriculum and Instruction section of the West Bend School District’s website, will have information for staff and parents. Stay tuned for more details!

WRS Statements

The COVID-19 closure has caused some delays in WRS's ability to get 2020 Annual Statement of Benefits mailed out. They plan to send those to employee homes around June 12 and they apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Positions Available in the District

The district registrar, a 12-month full-time clerical position has been posted on WECAN.

To view the job and apply, please visit the Vacancy List and click on the Vacancy ID - 85533. To apply for an open position, you must sign in with your e-mail address and password or create a new account in WECAN. You can access WECAN from the vacancy list by clicking on the APPLY button or WECAN Logo in the top left corner and entering your log in credentials.

The Conclusion & Commencement of Fiscal Years

A message from Andy Sarnow: A sincere thank you to all staff for your flexibility and understanding this year as it was indeed interesting with ordering items, tracking time, getting everybody compensated, determining refunds for activities, and wrapping up things that didn’t happen like field trips.

Many planned purchases didn’t occur. We will do whatever we can to both understand our financial picture and prioritize needs and address what’s necessary for our students’ services and programs once everything is figured out at the state level

In the meantime, we’ll all take some deep breaths, grab some sunshine, and be patient while waiting for the political steps that will drive our revenues for the next school year. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to reach out so we can assist!

Until we cross paths again this fall, please take care.

Gordie Boucher Offers Free Vehicle Checks

Gordie Boucher dealerships are offering free “the works” packages for vehicles to “front-line and essential” workers. As you will see on the informational flyer, Gordie Boucher has listed “teachers,” but other staff may want to contact them to determine if they are eligible. Please review the informational flyer for instructions on accessing this free service.

Items Below this Post are from Previous Issues of the Highlighter

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Have You Used the Highlighter Search Function?

The Highlighter is a blog. Therefore, everything ever posted to the Highlighter is saved forever and can be retrieved any time. Use the Search bar at the top of the left column of the Highlighter to search by keyword.

Celebrate Our Staff!

March is National Music in Our Schools Month. This is a great opportunity to recognize and thank our team of incredible music educators in the WBSD. Our music programs provide a variety of experiences to students that is unmatched in most districts across the state. We have strong participation and success in our band, orchestra, and choir programs throughout the district.

Assembling such an outstanding and comprehensive music program is a testament to the hard work of our music teachers at every level.  Our music teachers at the younger levels inspire our students to pursue music. Our upper age level music teachers help our students discover their musical passion, allowing them to grow as lovers of the arts and talented performers in our community. Thank you to all of our music educators!

Please join us in celebrating our colleagues for hitting milestones in their years of service to the district in March, including:

5 Years in the District
  • Amy Braeger - District Nurse
  • Kim Tucholka - High School
  • Bryce Young - Silverbrook
25 Years in the District
  • Lori Spaeth - Decorah
We also have a number of recent new additions within the families of WBSD employees. You can check out some adorable photos of the babies welcomed into the world recently by staff at this link to the HR Intranet Celebrations Page.

2019-20 Spending Deadline ~ April 15

As in previous years, the ordering deadline for the large majority of purchases will be Wednesday, April 15. This date was picked not just because of our ability to remember it for tax purposes, but also due to the amount of time it often takes for a purchase to be completed without getting too close to the end of the school year. Our auditors often question whether a purchase should come out of next year’s budget when it’s too close to the end of the year.

There are always exceptions to the rule and we are thankful for what you can all do to assist with this request. Please know that your building administrator may impose an earlier date and the business office respects and appreciates their guidance as there is purpose and meaning by their setting that alternate date.

External Sender - New Subject Line Tag

As a district we continue to educate staff and make strides to keep all technology systems safe and secure.

One area that is always a concern is when staff click on a link in an email or download an attachment from a phishing email. These links and attachments can contain malware and ransomware that can cripple IT systems and lock you out of your data and other data/systems until a ransom is paid. To help staff identify any email that is not from an address, the Technology Department will be adding: [EXTERNAL SENDER] to all emails that are not from the domain beginning Tuesday, March 10, 2020. Please be extra diligent in clicking on links and attachments from non emails. If you are not sure of the link or attachment please submit a technology help desk ticket and someone from the Technology Department will reach out.

School Specialty Purchasing

The Business Office was recently notified that the discount we receive from School Specialty was discontinued as of January 31, 2020. We’ve since met with our representative and have secured new and improved pricing that is now available.

Feel free to begin ordering again with School Specialty and its family of companies: Abilitations, Childcraft, Frey, Sax Art & Crafts, and Sportime. Please note, the discount pricing calculates once the item is placed in the cart. Also, now there is a $49 order minimum to qualify for free shipping. If you need something specific from School Specialty that is not on the listings, contact our rep for a quote and discounts on freight. In the following weeks, more information will be posted on the Vendor Supply List portion of the the Business Office Intranet web page.

CogAT Assessment: Parent Communication

FOR 2nd and 5th Grade Teachers, Special Education, and Gifted and Talented Teachers
Thank you to the teams that administered the CogAT assessment last month. As a next step, parent letters are being prepared and will be sent home with the parent report from the district office next week. To view the parent letters, click HERE.

A Coronavirus Preparedness Message

You may have seen in your email a letter that Superintendent Don Kirkegaard and Director of Pupil Services Sharon Kailas sent to all families and staff addressing the district's awareness of the seriousness of the potential spread of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19). If not, please review the letter.

A point to remember for all staff in contact with students is to remind them to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly. In addition, all year long viruses are present, so please encourage students and staff who are exhibiting signs of illness to stay home. Finally, ask students and staff to use tissues, or the inside of their arm, when coughing or sneezing. Thanks for your assistance.